Four Rules To Follow To Enjoy A Clutter-Free Apartment Living

October 7th, 2015

When you browse through various home and interior design magazines, you will surely be envious of the beautiful and clutter free space featured in their pages. When you look at your apartment for rent, it may seem impossible to enjoy a clutter-free space like that. De-cluttering your living space may surely seem like an impossible thing to do. For your information, there are some things that you can do to make this impossible thing possible.

To enjoy a clutter-free and organized living space, here are some of the de-cluttering rules that you should follow:

Live within the available space.

Apartment Hall

This is actually the simplest yet most effective way to a simpler and less cluttered life. You may already have heard of the saying, “Live within your means.”. Well, this saying also applies to your home. This rule simply states that you allow the size of your home to dictate how much stuff you can buy. Keep in mind that you are living in an apartment for rent so it is impossible for you to extend your living space. Instead of wishing for a bigger space, it is best that you start buying fewer items or clothing pieces.

Always put everything in its place.

apartment wall

If you wish to live a clutter-free life, then the saying “a place for everything and everything in its place” must be your motto. Always create a place for each and every item in your home. If there are lots of things in your table or other surfaces, then it is best that you take advantage of storage carts and plastic boxes to organize such items. In this way, all your items will have its proper place.

Purge your space on a regular basis.

apartment interior designs

If you wish to avoid clutter from piling up, it is recommended that you take some time to sit down and go through all your items then get rid of all the things that you are no longer using. You can donate it, throw it or sell it.



One of the reasons why your home is filled with clutter is because you tend to hoard everything that has sentimental value for you. While there is nothing wrong with putting importance to nostalgic memories, there is a better (and a much more organized, may I add) way to keep all your memorabilia. Today, almost everyone is taking advantage of this very useful method– digitize them. It is recommended that you take photos of these items and save them on your laptop or phone so you can keep the memories without the unnecessary clutter.

Clutter is one of the biggest problems of people living in an apartment for rent. Follow the rules provided above and you can finally be able to live the clutter-free life that you have always wanted. You do not have to exert superhuman effort to do these things. You just have to stay motivated and dedicated to your goal.

Image License: CC0 Public Domain / Pixabay

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