Apartment Storage Hack – Recycle Your Shoe Box!

July 29th, 2015

Storage space is always the main issue when it comes to apartment renting. Because of the limited floor area, numerous apartments usually utilize the wall for additional cabinets and storage rack. Some even use furniture that can double as storage space or box.

If you are renting an apartment wherein wall hanging cabinets and multi-functional furniture is not present, don’t despair. With a little creativity and utilization of shoe boxes, organizing your stuff and adding extra storage space won’t become a big problem. Below are some creative tips and ideas that you can follow to create more storage room by using shoe boxes.

Shoe Boxes

Organize Drawers With Transparent Shoe boxes

Small space apartments usually employs long and deep drawers. It can be placed under the bed and even inside the closet. Although it’s a good area to store your stuff, it’s quite a nightmare when it comes to organizing them up. It’s tough to find what you are looking for if all of your things are placed altogether at these long deep drawers.

With transparent shoe boxes, you can organize the contents of your drawers into different types of items. Put all similar items to one transparent shoe boxes. For example, electrical stuff in one shoe box and the other stuff like documents and papers at the other box. This way, you can easily see the contents of a shoe-box saving you good amount of time trying to find the stuff you need.

Keep Small Clothing In Shoe boxes

Using shoe boxes, you can now have a good neat place for your small garments. Socks, underwear, bras, briefs and even those seldom used items can now have their own designated place.

This is truly helpful if you only have one closet in place. Using shoe boxes for your small garments can effectively make your closet look organized than even. You can even set one box for your clothes that needs repair.

Organize Kitchen Cabinets

Plastic shoe boxes often goes along well in terms of kitchen cabinets. Use them to organize your loose tea bags, packets of juice, stock cubes and more. You can also use them to effectively organize your spices and herbs.

With a little creativity, you can even use them to keep some of your seldom used utensils too.

The above ideas are just few of the many things I can think of in terms of using shoe boxes to organize your apartment stuff and items. So don’t throw away those shoe boxers, keep them and try to think of a great way to recycle them.


More Shoe box organizing tips:

Think Outside the Shoe box with These Organization Ideas

17 Super Cool Ways to Reuse Shoe Boxes

18 Things to Make Using a Shoe box {diy}

Image License: CC0 Public Domain / Pixabay

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